Tumbler Pigeon - Black Pigeon

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Tumbler Pigeon

The purpose of raising this breed is to bring the performance and physical beauty to a superior level
while at the same time preserving the traditional characteristics of the races. As a producer, a master tumbler breeder must be at a higher level than the feeders of all other races worldwide.

It is an art to know the true origin of the birds in hand and to improve the performance and physical properties of the birds while producing them according to the characteristics of the vessel they come from, using traditional methods.

At this level, it has become a rarity to come across birders today, and our beautiful tumblers have begun to lose their historical characteristics. One of the main reasons for this is the intercity bird transfer between cities. Birds of different cities, which were very different from each other in the past, have become very similar today because the breeders who thought that raising tumblers were the only performers brought birds from other regions for years and broke them with their own birds.

Before the birds of a master tumbler feeder must have some personal characteristics of their own. First of all, he should be safe, outspoken, loving and counting nature and humankind as much as his birds. After that, someone can go on to become a true birder.
I don't know how many birders have ever visited. This is how I have seen the best people I know and the strangest human beings. But I remember one thing, no matter how good the birds are, no one recommends a trickster, a liar, a rogue person to me as a master birder.

Except for the masters, there are very good birders. My guess is that there are a few individuals that you know. The thing to pay attention to is that when looking at the birds of these people, there are many birds that play very well or that there are many beautiful but average performance birds.
As I said before, it is difficult to do both.
In this article, I will try to share my own data and thoughts about our flippers.

In the western parts of our country, cultivators are known as Mardin. You know how to tell similarly traditional tumbler breeders in the east, which is a little difficult ... right.

There is a possibility that many birdbirds today may be like each other, but this is not always the case. Even if they are scarce today, it is still possible to come across master birdbirds who produce tricks with the characteristics of their region.
It means that I want to explain the different characteristics of the birds of each region, even if less than each other. It may seem like an insignificant detail for most birdbirds, but my guess is that we still have these features.

The difference of these races other than being the largest is that they are only dark blue, blue, light blue, smoky, arabic and white and have no rose and hill features. The wide chest structure is a classic physiological feature. This breed, which likes to fly low and long hours, prefers to be single-fly and shows its performance in this way.

The most prominent feature of the classic Urfa is that it keeps its wings low (it carries under its tail). Other prominent features are that the head structure is a bit more angular, the forehead is fuller than the other races, and the Arabian eye ring is slightly hairless and prominent in the light. Urfa Mardie come in the same colors next to our "open" Turkey's place but most of what we call in Arabic "the patience," said known yellow instead of dark brown color (purplish) rengiyle income in the chest. Most tumblers are the ancestors of the Russian race, and still birds, Urfainski, are fed in Russia. It is quite difficult to find Urfa in pure form today. It is possible to find in some traditional birders, and I think they are invaluable birds. The flight characteristics are similar to the Mardin breed.

He also added colors that we call as henna to these colors. Therefore, henna freckles (Miski), silver freckles (Çakmaklı) and open (Sabuni) are the gifts of our city. The lineage of the Çakmaklı people comes from the blue, and the lineage of the soap and musk comes from the browns. (In other races, soap and whiskey are encountered, but these colors come from blue rather than brown.) The most distinctive aspects of Sivas birds are that they are smaller (petite) and have a thinner beak structure than other races.
In terms of performance, it flies less than Mardin and Urfa but plays more often. Besides, the level of diving on the ground is the lowest among all our races. Better when he dives, he puts his tail on the floor for a while without touching his feet and takes a step in the tumble combination. It is said that in the races of the old birdbirds, they measured how much tail the bird drove on the ground. Although they play more often, their combinations (somersaults and climbs) are shorter compared to Mardin and Urfa. There is a rose (front hill) in Sivas.

it is the smallest of all our races. Including body head and wings. Ankara comes in all colors except silver and brown but always the color is dirty. By dirty I mean that the color is not alive. Blue yabThe sudden pigeon blue is similarly dark and foggy blue. On the other hand, the Arabs are not darker, but lighter, and the stripes on their wings (as they are in blue) are under the black color. The reason for this is that they are not genetically real arabic and come from very dark blue. It is normal to get dark blue by hitting these birds with each other. Lemon, orange, sugar and red are always covered with a grayish (close to ash color) color. An Ankara bird, which has one of these four colors, should never be milk white and its tail and wing tips should be grayish white. The color we call clear (gray) and which most pigeon breeders know as dirty soap belongs to this city. In fact, this color is not about soap, it is a shade of blue. A similar color condition is also present in brown. This color, known as light brown, actually comes from blue again and has nothing to do with the true brown color. To understand this, an ordinary test can be done by looking at the bird's large filings. Under the influence of the real brown sun, it loses color. Therefore, when the wing of the bird is opened, the part of the longest feather covered by the previous feather (without the sun) when the wing is closed is darker than the tip of the longest feather. It looks like a shadow. You cannot see this in Ankara brown.

The most important feature of the Phoenix is ​​its performance: Unlike other races, there is little time between the somersaults and they do much tighter. After a somersault, he loses a slight height (often not noticeable) and climbs. Its climbing is a bit shorter than other races, but it is filled with more combinations (if we roll and climb a combination). Those who have a hard vein sometime roll over, and are held when they are not blown for a short time (not being able to fly over the tumble). It is my favorite type of flipper with its hardness and classic physics. Ankara pigeon breeders are perhaps the only local growers increased their own race in Turkey. It is quite easy to find this race in pure form in Ankara.

Unfortunately, it is a race that is not present today except Syria and Iraq. It was introduced to these countries during the Seljuk period, but in time it was broken with birds of other cities in Antalya and disappeared.
This race has a narrower chest than others and is very long on the legs and neck. The structure of the beak is short like the Konya rollers. Its special feature is that the colors come alive (come in any color) and rose (front, back and double top). It is not pretentious in performance. There is no feature to dive into the house. It flies faster than the others in the form of Urfa and prefers to fly alone. It flies high and plays in the air.

The most aggressive is our race with short legs and neck. The body structure is a flat ellipse instead of an "O" when viewed from the front. Apart from having the most beautiful colors, their legs are longer than all races and their roses are more developed than other races. The front hill called plate rose is for this race. Sometimes the ends of the rear hill extend from one cheek to the other and are higher than those of the other races, sometimes the ends are slightly bent forward. Diyarbakır is not very ambitious in terms of performance. It can say that our city pigeons Turkey's capital. There is perhaps no other city that contributed so much to our pigeon culture. Only there are more pigeons from the race in Diyarbakir, Turkey's all of them. In addition, we owe the neck and chest rose, Tile red and yellow (unlike orange, all of the body to be yellow) to this city.

This race, which mostly comes in tiger colors, has not been in demand apart from Çorum. The main reason for this is that it is not very attractive in terms of color and it is laced. Aside from that, it is among the best performing birds I've ever seen. This breed is available in other solid colors such as white and blue.

They are generally two colored and have very large legs (15-20 cm.).
Malatyas are generally hilly.
They are divided into two in terms of performance.
Tabbing: It must be very difficult for them to land on the table. They come out of the stairs, they move their feet in a similar way and go up.
Sallanik: they cannot descend directly when they come to descend, the cradle descends similarly by swinging. There are no foot movements.
Both are full of obstacles, they fly high and very high.
(I would like to thank my friend Duran Unakazana for the information about Malatya)

The biggest difference of this race, which is physically very close to Mardin, is the beak structure. According to our other races, it has a short beak structure and at the same time, it does not come in static colors, but generally it is blue. Antalya likes to play in the air in a similar way, and the game is brought down by breaking with Ankara and Sivas races by Konya bird of prey. This kind of breaking bird exhibits a superior level of play.

Time of Tumbler Pigeons
Horse of most pigeon breeds in the worldIt is a pity that we are in the so-called healing works by breaking aside the history of our own birds while alien birds defend that their families are coming from our birds.
The origins of our tumblers are the same as us Turks in Central Asia. A hundred years ago, while our immigrant ancestors were running, in the large area of ​​western-western China, Siberia and Kazakhstan, they would play their tumblers and listen to the voice of the beautiful Ankuts in their black tents. Even though it has been hundreds of years since our ancestors migrated to other regions due to the desertification of this area after years of drought, it is still known today as "Tumble Makan (m)". In Old Uighur Turkish, this means that the somersault's place means that it was born or its real place.
It is a known fact in Russia that most Russian pigeon breeds were obtained from birds taken from Turks at this time. It is a worldwide controversial subject of the Russian and Bukhara trumpeter (nourished for their voice) races from Ankut.

In the tenth century nomad Turkish soldiers moved to the Middle East in a similar way as we know it. Our ancestors, who saw these lands more valuable and fertile than Central Asia, preferred this place and therefore introduced various breeds of pigeons they brought with them to the surrounding nations.
Tumblers have been held for the fun of our Sultans throughout our history. When we return to our historical tour, we see that our soldiers are heading westward under the leadership of the Sultans. In a short time, the Seljuks captured Iraq and Iran and arrived in Baghdad, the capital city of the Abbasid empire. During this period, most Arab pigeon breeds started to emerge and most of them have survived to the present day.

Similarly, as we all know, the Turks did not stop here and they continued their march to the west in 1071 by opening the Malarzgirt gate and ruling Eastern Europe for 500 years after the conquest of Istanbul. During this period, Turkish families who settled in slavic countries brought their pigeon breeds together and introduced them to these countries. Years after the Ottomans withdrew from this land, studies on the breeding of our races in Eastern European countries began and each country (especially Yugoslavia, Greece, Albania and Hungary) started to create their own races.

It is still possible to meet our races in Europe today. except introduce the world to themselves as owners of our tumblers of the Arabs, of the Yugoslavian the fickle and butterfly, response to the Romanians bursae and down out having someone else in our every bird in this day Turkey looked as foreign origin even our own birds even we are partners with us foreign names plugging the loss of our precious historical treasures. We are losing their characteristics while trying to improve our so-called birds by breaking them with foreign breeds.

Sometimes it is better quality than those found in most of our own race I have ever seen in European countries, Turkey is a sad truth for me.

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