It is a very detailed species of pigeon lineages. This species is known to be smaller than other pigeon species. Its lineage comes from Africa in the 8th century.
Its body and colors create a harmony, creating a perfectly harmonious image. It has a large beak structure with a large head, short body size and size. The mouth is wide and has a beak pin head appearance. Eyes break out, eye frame is white. There is a rose on the chest. The feet are bare and short. The name Bango was given because it resembles seagulls called Galeba. They are named KRAUSENTAUBEN in Germany and CORTBECKS in England.
It has red, black, blue, yellow colors. Their bodies are white, wings and tails are colored.
Bangoes feed more for their beauty than flight. They are flat-tipped, fly high and quickly dive down when shimmering from the cluster. Due to this feature, especially those who feed roots, they definitely fly with a bango so that their roots can return more efficiently. Bangoes fly about 1- 1.5 HOURS. When the bird from its own set is shown, it immediately dives, but it certainly does not show this reflex to another set. They are not easily caught. Contrary to the rotations, they are reflexed to every twinkle given from below. Cold regions are not only able to reproduce healthier, but also health problems are frequently encountered. Turkey, especially in Istanbul and Izmir is fed, fed were used in many cities. They are fed in the same generation in Bulgaria and are defined by the name KABAK. In Europe, it is mostly fed in Berlin and it is named as BERLIN BANG. These Bangoes are generally blue wings with black stripes on them.
Bangoes should be fed with a food prescription for birds that do not fly. This recipe is stated below. Peas 30% Vetch 10% Peeled barley 20% Small corn 6% Broom seed 4% Wheat 10% Millet 20% Bango's body is small, 25 g per day. It is sufficient for feed nutrition. Medium-sized pigeons such as renegade, butterfly, tumbler, mail, 30-35 gr., Baghdad and chest-inflated birds 50-55 gr. They can be fed with feed.
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Bango Pigeon

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