Ankut Pigeon - Black Pigeon

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Ankut Pigeon

General Information
Ankut Güvercini - In our country, they are also known by names like gout, gud, kut. These pigeons known in the world as "Ankut Trumpeter" or "Ankhut Trumpeter" are generally known as ankut in our country.

These pigeons originated from Central Asia and Turkmenistan originate from our native breeds, but spread to the world with the migration of Turks. These migrations were not on a single date and in a single direction, but were directed to different regions in different time periods. In this regard, the ankut breed pigeons are also scattered from the Middle East, Russia and from Anatolia through Europe.

Ankut pigeons have a special place and importance in Turkish society. The most important reason for this is that Hz Ali, one of the caliphs of the founder of the Islamic religion, Hz Mohammed, fed these pigeons. Evliya Çelebi, Hz. It is written that Ali fed the "red-crested crested pigeon" and in this respect, it was circumcised to feed them. The pigeons mentioned here are the birds we call today "ankut". What is meant from the fork crest is the double hill. (takka, perçem) Çakşır means leg (leggings). In Evliya Çelebi's Travel Book, it is written that Imam Hüseyin, the grandson of our Prophet and the son of Hz Ali, who was killed in Karbala in 680, hunted hawk and born and additionally fed a coyote (pig) box pigeon. In this regard, Evliya Çelebi says that the hunters who hunted the bird with the bird in Istanbul in 1638 said that it was our master Imam Hussein. Considering that Evliya Çelebi stated, there are varieties of ankuts in the form of sadekut, crown, and çışlıklıkut.

Today, it is believed that ankuts are auspicious in Urfa. This belief originates from ancient times. It is said that these pigeons, which are known to be fed by Hazrat Eyüp in the match, brought good luck to women who have no children, and that even women who are afraid in their night sleep are cure for their problems. Since Hazrat Eyüp suffered from leprosy, he was taken to a cave and continued his life there. He was looked after by his wife here. It is known that Hazrat Eyüp bred Ankut breed pigeons in this cave. Today, this cave is located on a hill in Eyyubi neighborhood, about 2 km south of our city of Şanlıurfa. It is accepted as a healing place in the public and is visited. Despite the fact that our Ankut race has such a deep and rooted place in our society and it is considered religious circumcision to feed these birds, this race has become seriously destroyed as a result of the decrease in the number of those who breed this race recently. Today, they are mostly found in our Eastern and Southeastern provinces and especially in Diyarbakır. I learned that they were raised in Nevkent from bird friends of Konya. It is one of our endangered races. It needs urgent protection. Some of the ankuts that I have seen in bird markets today have a disfigured form. Most likely these are breaking birds. The most remarkable physiological features in such crushing are that the legs are not in the required length and shape, the front crown and the hat are not uniform, the general color of the bird is not bright and vivid, the colors are pale and mixed in color.

Condition in our country
They are grown in Russia outside of our country. The Russians come to the ankuts that we do not appreciate today. However, in various Russian sources, it is stated that the origin of Russian trumpeter breeds known as Russian Trumpeter (Russian Barabanshik) and Bokhara Trumpeter (Bokharski Barabanshik) are the ankut race.They are not known as "Ankut Trumpeter" or "Ankhut Trumpeter". It does not have the features of somersault and play. When they are blown, they are placed without flying too much. Therefore, they feed on form beauty in the nest and gardens. The most important features of these pigeons, which are a kind of ornamental bird, are the crowing forms called "pulling". Among growers, they are valued according to their brewing properties and duration. Dem draws are remarkable. It is desirable for an ankut pigeon that draws well to brew for a minimum of 40 to 45 minutes. The Ankut race appears as a single color. They have a red-brown color. This hue can be lighter or a little darker. However, the color must be vivid. There is also a color called "Ala gut". Wings in this color are white and the other sides are red - brown. In the style called "reed leg" they are long and curved back. There is no leg. They are double crested. There should be a straight rivet in front of the head and a uniform tack in the back. Topless ones are rarely encountered. These are breaking birds and are worthless. Their beaks are a little longer than usual. Their bodies are slightly larger than normal pigeons.

In our country, among other pigeon breeds that have the feature of pulling, we also have races in the form of iron and dove. Brown anchorage and ankut look alike. Demkeşit is a little bigger. However, the crowing patterns (pigtails) of both races are different from each other. It is believed that ankut and iron pigeons in Konya region eat spiders in the barns. In this regard, these pigeons are called "stable birds" in this region. Our Ankut race is rapidly disappearing today. It is necessary to take measures urgently for its protection. I believe that local governments and municipalities should be sensitive to this issue, as there are duties for individual growers. Today, many municipalities are trying to preserve their local texture and revive their authentic values. The same sensitivity must be shown for our pigeon breeds that have begun to disappear.

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